New Queer Canadian Cinema

Sunday, November 10, 2019 | 9pm EST

Nov 10 | 9:00pm
@ OCAD University
Sliding scale $5-15
(no one turned away for lack of funds)

This eclectic program of documentary and narrative works offer a glimpse into a dynamic spectrum of queer and trans communities in our Canadian settler society. In Another Feather in Her Bonnet, Kent Monkman’s alter-ego Miss Chief Eagle Testickle plays the bride in a wedding to famed designer Jean Paul Gaultier, using her attire to talk back to a particularly insulting form of cultural appropriation. Something beautiful emerges from Interphase, a splendidly rich animation. A sinister void stalks neurodivergent Gil in Hole. Farm Boy depicts a world of yearning and regret that hovers between dream and nightmare. In Behind Doors, a living saint receivers petitioners from all corners, but being sacred isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Battle Cry goes behind the scenes of the performance of a drag queen at Toronto’s Buddies in Bad Times theatre, blurring the line between process and result.


Another Feather in Her Bonnet

Aki Pagratis

5 min | Canada | 2018


Kenny Tran

2 min | Canada | 2019


Gil Goletski

6 min | Canada | 2018

Farm Boy

Kalil Hadad

17 min | Canada | 2019

Behind Doors

William Vitória

17 min | Portugal/Canada | 2019

Battle Cry

Kyle Reaume

15 min | Canada | 2018
