In Harjot Bal’s third installment of the Sailor Moon series, the Sailor Scouts try to take down a space cult who invite comparisons to a latter day Catholic Church! The film opens with the abduction of a group of children by mystery assailants. Meanwhile, Rini, Sailor Moon’s daughter, befriends an angelic figure – Tyler. Later that night, Rini is hypnotized along with some other children and is led to the ship. The Sailor Scouts and Tyler try to intercept the kidnapping and thwart the kidnappers, a religious cult from space, who believe they are saving children from committing the earthly sins of abortion and queerness.

As with the other two installments, The Yassification of the Christ offers a commentary on the control exerted – by a western state apparatus that has never been secular – over queer and trans children and women’s bodies, in late capitalism. The film juxtaposes Gen Z lingo with the performative hypocrisy of Catholicism in order to interrogate the possibility of freedom in colonial capitalism. The Yassification invites audiences to consider how the church and the colonial structures of governance, the thoughts and feelings that they leave behind, have become ubiquitous instruments of discipline and control.

Harjot Bal

Harjot Bal is digital creative who has worked as a design professional for over a decade in advertising. He is also a storyteller who finds subversive ways to advocate for social justice issues and centers marginalized people in his filmmaking projects. His latest works involve parody, dark comedy, and reappropriation.

Sailor Moon Super Scandalous: The Yassification of the Christ

Friday, March 15, 2024 | 8:30pm EST
Canada| 120 min.

120 min Canada

2024, features
