Past EventSymposium

Art & Activism at the End of the World

Tuesday, January 1, 2019
12:00am EST
In Person
Tranzac Club
Available Now

To close the symposium, join us for a conversation between Natalie Kouri-Towe and Natalie Loveless on making art and being activists as the world falls around us. Engaging with wide-ranging conversations on how to engage in transnational solidarity under neoliberalism, arts-based research, human rights discourses, and shifting ideologies of selfhood, Loveless and Kouri-Towe give us a manifesto for making art and fighting back at the end of the world.

Natalie Kouri-Towe

is an interdisciplinary feminist and sexuality studies scholar working on solidarity, kinship, and attachment in social movements and activist responses to war and gender/sexuality-based violence. Her research has been published in both academic and non-academic venues on topics related to solidarity, kinship, and attachment in social movements; queer activism; and masculinity in conditions of war in the Middle East. Her new research examines responses to the “refugee crisis” and she is currently working on a book manuscript on feminist and queer solidarity under neoliberalism.

Natalie S. Loveless

is an associate professor in the department of Art and Design (History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture) at the University of Alberta, Canada, where she also directs the Research-Creation and Social Justice CoLABoratory ( funded by the Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS). Loveless’ forthcoming book, How to Make Art at the End of the World: A Manifesto for Research-Creation (Duke University Press), examines debates surrounding research-creation and its institutionalization, paying particular attention to what it means – and why it matters – to make and teach art research-creationally in the North American university today.

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