Keynote: Queers for Genocide with Jasbir K. Puar
This lecture explores the relationships between queer organizing, sexuality, fascism, and the genocide in Gaza.
Jasbir Puar has previously published on the relationship between the homonationalism of the liberal state, imperialism, and racism in her book Terrorist Assemblages. Her award winning second book, The Right to Maim, argues that the representational politics of disability pride, and the recognition of disabled and queer subjects by western settler states, act to obscure and naturalize the debilitation of racialized subjects within western states and elsewhere. Puar develops the concept of debility–bodily injury and social exclusion brought on by both economic and political factors–to disrupt the category of disability. Puar contends that debilitation had been an operative technique of the ongoing settler colonialism in Gaza, which was practiced primarily as “shooting to maim.”” Debilitation as a form of injury that cannot be rehabiliated into disability given the simultaneous systematic debilitation of medical, food, and energy infrastructures is a defining feature of settler colonial projects. Puar’s analysis is a pathbreaking intervention that helps us to understand debilitation as an expression of racism that designates people and land as sites of value extraction to capacitate dominant economic and social groups.